Christmas 2009

We completely missed 2008 letter and 2009 will be a web-only letter (without the assistence of a real HTML editor). Hope all is well. Nick is now enjoying college life at UC Santa Cruz and Luke is doing excellent in the Reseda magnet program (Science & Math). Chris is still full time at Kaiser as a dietitian and now does traditional and gospel choir and bells at our church First Presbyterian Church Granada Hills. Brad is taking a master's degree program in Quality Management and still works with Mission Support for Shuttle and Delta programs at Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne. He is also in the FPCGH praise band. A new addition to our family is a kitten who is currently 4 months old that was discovered as an infant in Brad's VW bug after being in the shop called Madden (we miss you, John). Check us all out on Facebook, Windows Live,, or Chris's Blog.

May you find joy
in the joy of others,
become more loving
in the love of Christ,
and find your heart’s desire
in selfless generosity. 

Brad, Chris, Nick & Luke
(with Sunny & Madden)