Christmas 2007

2007 was an eventful year – 25 years of marriage (new rings), 50 years of life, 2 teenagers, and a cat with a broken foot!  We also have a new church (1st Pres Granada Hills), took a trip to San Diego, and survived the heat, cold, wind, and fire of So Cal.  Luke (13) loves 1st Pres youth (especially Winter Camp), enjoys both Science & English at Columbus Magnet, and is mastering his new Vista Computer.  Nick (16) is now driving, had a summer job (AMC Theatres – lots of free movies!), and is excelling at Cleveland Humanities Magnet School (even tutors).  Chris is working even more dietitian hours at Kaiser Woodland Hills (maybe full time soon), has improved on exercising (65 days in a row), and is on the Family Ministries commission at 1st Pres.  Brad is in the band (bass) and worship commission at 1st Pres, has worked 25 years at Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne (new Ares program), and started recording songs again (see  Our current raves are Dr. Michael Roizen, Heroes, Springsteen (still), Call of Duty, our pets (Jade the cat & Sunny the dog), and Modest Mouse. 

May you find joy
in the joy of others,
become more loving
in the love of Christ,
and find your heart’s desire
in selfless generosity. 

Brad, Chris, Nick & Luke
(with Sunny & Jade)