Christmas 2006

Another busy year!  Both boys are excellent students but the X-Box 360 has crept onto the HDTV, co-existing with TV shows like 24, Lost, House, and movies like Crash & Shyamalan. Luke (12) wants to be a scientist and enjoyed winter camp, houseboat trip, and church choir. Brad & Luke also went to the Praise West music festival near San Diego.  Nick (15 with a driving permit) has a steady girlfriend, Olivia, and loves philosophy & literature taught at his magnet high school.  Chris has a permanent dietitian job at Kaiser, volunteers a lot at church, and loves Sudoku. Brad works hard at Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne and writes and records his songs (Christmas album this year). The sudden passing of Art Elias in July gave us an opportunity to reflect on this man’s amazing spirit and his devotion to God & family. The two-week family trip to England was an once-in-a-lifetime experience - the cathedrals, castles, museums, and just the casual stroll in the British countryside were priceless.  We were there during the hottest, driest month in history, so the brown of Hyde Park, the sauna of the underground, and the one air-conditioned theatre (showing Stormbreaker, no less) were extra treats. We had a week in London and a week driving on the wrong side of the road from Dover to Bath to Stratford-upon-Avon (watching Patrick Stewart in The Tempest).  We’re doing our winter California tour (family visits) featuring New Year’s Eve in Tahoe.  Come to for more and Chris’ blog


Love and joy come to you,
And to you glad Christmas, too,
And God bless you, and send you
A Happy New Year

Brad, Chris, Nick & Luke
(with Sunny & Jade)