Christmas 2002
BRAD works in Propulsion Engineering Data Support (network
administrator) at Boeing; church volunteer (worship elder; in 2 bands;
accompanies kid choir); enjoys movies, hanging with his sons; still writes songs
and web sites, see
CHRIS is confident at both of her part-time clinical
dietitian jobs; leads kids choir; teaches Sunday School; helps sons with
homework; favorite modern Christmas song is Immanuel (God Is With Us) written by
Brad; looks forward to lunches with her husband of 20 years
NICK will be 12 in March; tried scouts for ½ a year; got a
straight A report card his first ½ year in middle school; loves to be with
friends (virtual and real); is good at basketball; runs sound & slides at
church; likes heavy metal music; enjoys riding his bike
LUKE is 8 1/2 years old in 3rd
grade; good student; enjoys cub scouts; plays basketball and takes walks with
Sunny; enjoys bike and scooter; his best friends are at church and across the
street; good at singing; give him your prayer request and he will pray for you
every night!
is a
patient, sweet, but protective, dog (Mountain View Cur) about 2.5 years old;
plays with old beat up balls until we get home; loves taking the boys to school
in the van
the gift of Forgiveness.
We desire that all our friends and family
grow closer to God in 2003.
Bradley Dean, Christina Marie,
Nicolas Falco and Lucas Jacob Elias
(plus Sunny Marie --woof)
(homemade sign)